Venues are reopening and the live event industry is celebrating a much-anticipated upswing of activity and excitement. It feels good to be back! As we enjoy summer and contemplate the audiences that we will engage, presenters may be tasked with finding artists to maintain new audiences, re-engage with core members, or looking to entice new market share. These four artists may not have been on your radars as yet but have been making waves in their respective markets. Enjoy!
The Performing Live Revue platform was created to showcase underrepresented artists of color to presenters and talent buyers. Distributed bimonthly via email on the last day of the month, each issue also resides at PerformingLiveRevue.com. We hope you’ll find our newsletter informative, interesting, and helpful as you plan upcoming seasons and schedules. Please show your support by reading, engaging and booking these wonderful arts programs or contact 7/24 TalentMarketing for more information. Thanks for reading!