Ta Dhom Project

Percussionist, composer, producer, and entrepreneur Viveick Rajagopalan truly lives by his motto “creativity begins where the mind pauses,” infusing this ethos throughout his unique approach to crossing cultures with sound.

His musical creation, Ta Dhom Project, beautifully blends South Indian rap and traditional Indian music with American Hip Hop to capture and share the diverse experiences of all. Inspired by a group of rappers in India lamenting their plight through spoken word and song, South Indian Carnatic music and traditional rhythmic percussion styles were incorporated utilizing the syllables/sounds “Ta” and “Dhom” to represent different worlds, ideas, and cultures – the two worlds of Classical Music and Hip Hop, harmonious in their duality. A new, innovative and fresh genre of music was born, Hip Hop with an Indian twist – honoring the heritage of all involved ethnicities while standing on its own as an artistic expression. Ta Dhom Project has taken this exciting fusion across the globe, performing at theaters around the world and prestigious festivals like WOMEX, WOMAD, and others.

Ta Dhom Project